we sell
short lengths of

10mm diameter
high security
bolt cutter proof chain

any length up to

5 metres long

free delivery
anywhere in Australia ends
February 14, 2025

what is the difference between high security chain, high tensile chain and bolt cutter proof chain

short answer


The only difference between the following chains

is their name

All three are the same product just different names depending on the country or state you live in.

when purchasing

No matter the name the important point to remember is

you purchase 10mm diameter

Any bigger is just overkill.

our point is

10mm diameter high security chain cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is.

Therefore if we sold 12mm diameter chain its 20% heavier, costs 35% more per meter to buy and the delivery cost is 39% more compared to 10mm diameter.

table of contents

the weight of 10mm diameter high tensile chain

manufactured to

Australian/NZ standard A/NZS 4344:2001

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why should you buy 10mm diameter high security chain

thieves cutting chain

no matter what you want to secure

why do people buy mild steel chain

because its cheap

security is only as strong
as its weakest point

mild steel chain
is the weakest point

think about this

Although mild steel chain is cheap what is the point buying it when its easy and quick to cut with a 12 inch bolt cutter a thief can buy at Bunnings, Mitre 10 or their local hardware shop for about five dollars.

this is why you need to purchase

10mm diameter high tensile chain

cannot be cut
with a bolt cutter
no matter how long the bolt cutter is
10mm diameter high tensile chain, cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is

how to purchase 10mm diameter high tensile chain

table of contents

we trust you have made a decision to buy 10mm diameter high tensile chain, now you must think about protecting your padlock

how to protect
your padlock being broken

The rest of this page answers the above very important question.

for the security of your valuable possessions
please keep reading

table of contents

2003 we designed our own security system to replace a padlock and mild steel chain named Padlock Protection

stop thieves breaking your padlock

Australian made
Padlock Protection securing a pair of gates
Australian made Padlock Protection securing a pair of gates

The padlock is secured inside a solid steel shroud.

If a thief cannot get to the padlock it cannot be broken.

all methods to break a padlock


The same 10mm diameter high tensile chain we sell on this web site.

table of contents

2005 we started to re-invented the wheel clamp using 10mm diameter high tensile chain


The same 10mm diameter high tensile chain we sell on this web site.


Are three high security products using the same 10mm diameter high tensile chain we sell on this web site and the world renowned Padlock Protection as the locking system.

table of contents

2010 we designed Padlock Guard

february 2008

I started to receive enquiries whether I can make a security device similar to Padlock Protection to protect the padlock a person is currently using.

During the next couple of years I tried various methods to design a Padlock Cover.

january 2010 I had an idea

I spent the next six months designing and testing, when finished I named it Padlock Guard.

protect your padlock being broken
with the stainless steel cover

Padlock Guard
protect your padlock being broken with the stainless steel cover - Padlock Guard

Although Padlock Guard is designed to protect the padlock you own being broken by one of the methods used by a thief to break a padlock, they are

leverage attackthis is a leverage attack, a quick and quite method to break a padlock of any size
hammer attackthis is a hammer attack, one of three methods to break a padlock of any size
bolt cutter attackbolt cutter used to cut a link in mild steel chain or cut the padlocks shackle

Padlock Guard does not include

10mm diameter high tensile chain as Padlock Protection does.

we cannot emphasize enough

If you purchase Padlock Guard you should seriously consider purchasing 10mm diameter high tensile chain from us.


If you are one of about 99% of people who currently use mild steel chain with your padlock we would like to point out to you mild steel chain is easy and quick to cut with a 12 inch bolt cutter a thief can buy at Bunnings, Mitre 10 or their local hardware shop for about five dollars.

table of contents

if you have enough information order bolt cutter proof chain

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other products and / or services

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what to do next

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last updated
Friday February 07, 2025

copyright © 1982 – 2025